Practical training
Perfectly prepared for the examination
- Class A, A2, A1, B196:
Only 1.4. - 15.11.
From 15.11. - 31.3. no practical examinations will be carried out due to the temperature.
- Class B, BE:
all year round
- For the driving lessons you need a minimum knowledge of German language level A2 according to the Common European Framework (CEF).
- At our location Schwabing-West, we also offer driving lessons in Turkish and Albanian.
- The practical exam is held exclusively in German.
- The German - English translation contains the words used by the examiner.
Request a driving appointment
Training lesson and special lesson
- Your driving lessons consist of training lessons and special lessons.
- It goes without saying that your driving instructor is punctual and keeps to the driving times.
- To ensure that you don't drive too many hours, we keep a personalised training plan for you.
Training lesson
- In the training lessons, you will practise all basic driving tasks and driving within the city with all traffic rules and situations.
- This number varies depending on the learner driver. There is no statutory minimum number.
- Always according to our motto: "As much as necessary, as little as possible!"
- The first training lessons take place on a practice area. The practice area is located near the driving school.
- You drive the training lessons before the special lessons.
Special lesson
- In the special lessons (also known as statutory compulsory lessons), you only train to drive outside the city on country roads, motorways and at dusk.
- This duration is specified by law.
- You drive the special lessons at the end of your training.
- In order for us to be able to request your practical exam from the TÜV Süd exam centre, you must be ready for the exam.
- You will achieve exam readiness with successful exam simulations with your driving instructor.
- You will then receive documentation of the exam simulation from your driving instructor.
- The TÜV Süd test centre sometimes confirms a practical exam at very short notice.
- Therefore, even if we have not yet received confirmation of your practical exam, you should be fully trained and ready for the exam.
- As soon as we receive confirmation of your practical test from TÜV Süd at short notice, we can book 1-3 driving appointments for you at short notice before your exam to refresh your knowledge.
- For organisational reasons, however, it is not possible for us to book more than 3 driving appointments at short notice before an exam.
- Further important information at Practical examination
Reduce number of training lessons
- Book your full driving lesson plan at the start of your training according to our recommended number of driving appointments.
- Drive regularly at least 1 - 2 driving appointments per week.
- Train on our drive easy driving simulator. Only class B197, B78 and class B.
- Regularly ask your driving instructor whether the number of driving appointments you have booked is sufficient.
- Work with your e-book and workbook.
- Train all recurring action sequences with the mental audio training.
- Follow the theory lessons attentively and then prepare them in your e-book and workbook.
- Concentrate on your work during the driving appointments.
- Compare your learning level with our training plans. See below.
- Ask your driving instructor which topic will be covered in the next driving appointment.
- Prepare for the next driving appointment with your e-book and workbook.
- Learn the "Departure control". See below.
- Study the "Explanation pictures". See below.
- Use the DriversCam. See below.
- Turn up for each of your confirmed driving appointments.
- In the e-book in the App Fahren Lernen Class B, the following lessons, among others, are particularly relevant for the driving lessons: 3 - 9, 11
Departure control / vehicle check
- We offer the DriversCam so that you are even better prepared for your practical test.
- With the DriversCam videos, you will understand the most important and difficult traffic situations exclusively from your examination area in Munich.
- DriversCam is also available in English.
- To be able to use DriversCam, you need the FAHREN LERNEN app.
- DriversCam is currently only available at the following locations: Maxvorstadt, Schwabing-Freimann, Schwabing-West.
Driving task catalogue / Assessment Examination